Photo via @Danielgaay/Twitter, @LFCFanClub3/Twitter
February 25, 2022, 1:56 pm*
As fighting intensifies across Ukraine, with Russian forces making their way to the capital city of Kyiv and dropping airstrikes while civilians huddle in bomb shelters and subways, a rumored figure is giving hope and inspiration to the resistance against Russian aggression. The so-called “Ghost of Kyiv” is an unconfirmed ace fighter pilot rumored to have downed six Russian planes in the first day of Vladimir Putin’s war against Ukraine — four fighter jets and two ground-attack aircraft units.
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The possible MiG-29 fighter pilot has gone viral across social media, as everyone loves the idea of a rogue fighter pilot ace, recalling heroes like this from previous wars.
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Nothing about the fabled ghost has been confirmed, with skeptics noting that it would be difficult for one fighter jet to down six targets without landing simply based on the plane’s ammo capacity. Rumored videos capturing the pilot shooting down a Russian aircraft have been labeled false by fact checkers, including one that was created with the 2008 video game Digital Combat Simulator, according to Snopes.
It came from a YouTube video posted on Thursday in which the creator admitted it was from the game and called it a dedicated to the alleged Ghost of Kyiv.
Another widely circulated video shows a fighter jet swooping over someone’s home as they film, with people speculating that this could be the Ghost. Ukrainian officials have neither confirmed nor denied the existence of the rumored ace, but have said that six Russian aircraft as well as two helicopters have been downed by Ukrainian defenses since the invasion began. It’s possible that they are allowing or even encouraging rumors to help boost morale.
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Regardless of whether the Ghost is real, they have already inspired numerous social media posts as well as artistic depictions of the fighter jet and, of course, plenty of memes. Morale among many Ukrainians remains strong even as officials report that “scores” of people have been killed in just a couple of days. There have also been reports suggesting that Russia did not expect so much resistance from Ukraine and is now rounding up their doctors in anticipation of severe need for medical assistance, and that their momentum has been hampered.
The people of Ukraine will need all of this support and more, and throughout much of the world, though everyday individuals can’t do much, they can cheer on the Ghost of Kyiv.
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*First Published: February 25, 2022, 11:24 am