February 22, 2022, 7:18 am*
A TikTok user decided to get real in prepping her exit interview after leaving her job.
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Claire of
@claireandpeter/TikTok shared a video featuring a powerpoint presentation she made to give to human resources on her final day of work. It’s simple, but struck a chord with many viewers.
“My Exit Interview,” it reads at the start.
The next slide shows a basic graph, with the y-axis labeled “mental health” and the x-axis labeled “time at company.” The line itself merely goes downhill the more time is spent there.
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The following illustration is more of the same — a pie chart titled “Reasons I’ve cried in the past 365 days.” About 20% looks to be taken up by a section called work, and the remainder is taken up by a section called “also work.”

Finally, the presentation ends with a screen that just says, “I will not be providing further feedback since you don’t listen anyways.”

Quitting terrible jobs has been the theme of the last year or so of the pandemic, in a lot of ways, and people applauded Claire’s decision to quit along with her willingness to be real about why she was doing so.
“Perfect. No changes required. Please submit,” wrote @curtisjacob1.
“Can I please get this?” another viewer asked. “My last day is the 4th, I need to let them know they are the reason my therapist has all my money.”
“I cannot wait to have an exit interview!!!!!!” @nomiandrumi said after watching.
Quite a number of people wanted copies for themselves, and only one viewer demanded to know why Claire would spend her time doing this rather than just leaving the job. But even if a company does nothing about worker complaints, the more people express frustrations about leaving, the harder it is to pretend everything at a company is going great.
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That having been said, she isn’t sure she’ll even get the opportunity to present her work, even after clearly putting so much effort into it.
“If anything HR will prob ghost me,” she wrote. “No one there gets paid enough to care.”
*First Published: February 22, 2022, 7:16 am