February 18, 2022, 8:59 am
A backhanded compliment: a compliment that’s not really kind at all. You can be socially inept and make one or you can passive-aggressively torch someone’s self-esteem. “You look good for your age” or “you clean up really well” are two classic examples, but there are so many more — and on Reddit, folks are sharing their experiences with backhanded compliments. I feel myself shriveling just reading these.
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1. Adventurous Clothing
“I love how you’ll just wear anything.” — kgottshall
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2. “You Look Good For Your Age”
“You’re very beautiful for your age.” or “I can tell you were beautiful when you were younger.” — PJmichelle
3. “It’s A Good Thing…”
“It’s a good thing you’re so pretty.” — ZOMGBabyFoofs
4. Smelly
“Wow, you smell a lot nicer than usual!” — Prank_Owl
5. Trying
“I can see that you’re trying. (When someone shows you something they worked hard on, and it’s the only positive thing you can think of to say.)” — GingerMau
6. “You’re Really Nice”
“I always get ‘Wow, we used to think you were a real bitch but you’re actually really nice!’ from friends at some point. It makes me so sad that I’m a naturally shy person around a new group of people. It makes me so self-conscious when I meet new people because I know that line and its variants will eventually be said again.” — Spasay
7. IQ
“Back in the 1980s, New Zealand’s prime minister said that anyone who chose to emigrate from New Zealand to Australia could be proud that they were raising the average IQ of both countries.” — RedStarRocket91
8. Changes
“You look so much nicer now!” — DogBreathologist
9. Weight Loss
“After I gave birth to my first son I had just lost the baby weight. My grandfather said, ‘Well, I guess you’re not gonna be fat now like your mama and your sister.’ My mom and sister were sitting right there. Win for me…insult for them.” — handmaid25
10. “You’re Alright”
“There’s the classic, ‘I don’t care what they say about you, you’re alright.’” — theleftbuttcheek
11. Confidence
“I wish I had the confidence to wear that.” — theemscreation
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12. Language
“‘You speak English so well.’ Yeah, because it’s my native f*cking language.” — sydneyrutledge
13. “We’re The Same”
“You and I, we’re the same.” — SofiaOfEverRealm
14. Nice Guy
“‘He’s a nice guy.’ Aka he’s sh*t at his job.” — escargeaux
15. Clean Up
“You clean up well.” — Moho_braccatus
16. Makeup
“You look good with makeup on.” — Quit_social_media
17. Family Resemblance
“You look like your mother/father.” — drpepper1994
18. “Such A Pretty Face…”
“Such a pretty face, if you would just lose some weight dear.” — Sweethomegirl·3 days ago
Featured Image: Pexels
*First Published: February 18, 2022, 8:59 am