Conservatives have been all over the place regarding Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, with some initially supporting Vladimir Putin’s quest for power and then backpedaling and pretending they hadn’t spent years cheering on his friendship with Donald Trump. But Pat Robertson is taking a different tack altogether — according to the well-known televangelist, Putin is only invading Ukraine because God moved him to do so.
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Robertson came out of retirement to stop by The 700 Club once again and weigh in on the conflict happening overseas.
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“I think you can say, well, Putin’s out of his mind,” he said. “Yes, maybe so. But at the same time, he’s being compelled by God. He went into the Ukraine, but that wasn’t his goal. His goal was to move against Israel, ultimately, and God his getting ready to do something amazing. And that will be fulfilled.”
It’s hard to say what Biblical inspiration constantly has Christians claiming people like Putin and Trump are being used for their God’s purpose even when they do horrible things, while insisting Joe Biden or literally any other Democrat is a pawn of Satan who must be stopped. It’s funny how that always seems to fall in favor of whatever is convenient for them.
All the same, in hindsight, it makes perfect sense that at least some for-profit religious guy is out there on TV pointing at Putin as the latest sign of the Christian end times. And Robertson is no stranger to predicting the end of the world, as he’s confidently done as much on several prior occasions…all with dates that have already come and gone, of course.
It’s all the same old garbage, as far as most people are concerned, and choosing this as your take on the atrocities being carried about by Putin in Ukraine prompted a severe backlash online.
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*First Published: March 2, 2022, 8:25 am