A mother who called the police on her son after he exhibited violent and dangerous behavior has caused debate on TikTok after posting about the incident.
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“So today I had to do something no mother or father should ever have to do,” Amber Islaffin wrote over video of what appears to be busted up drywall all over the carpet of her house.
The camera pans up to a large hole in the wall, as the text continues, “This is why I don’t, or can’t, parent my teenager the way y’all do.”
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“After constantly stealing from me, [smoking] in his room and overall disrespect… I put my foot down. And this is what happened,” she wrote, showing off a bruise on her arm. “Yes, I called the cops, and yes I have charged him. Because I am the one who teaches him what is acceptable, and this is NOT acceptable.”
The comments reportedly got heated enough that Amber wound up turning them off, but she did record a number of follow-up videos addressing the situation and responses.
One such response accused her of being a lazy parent and said she “should have stepped the f—k up then and helped him more.”

“There are a lot of us parents that have done everything we can when it comes to the mental health of our children,” Amber replied. She went on to explain that custody of her son has bounced back and forth between her and his father over the years, but in the last nine months that he has been living with her again, she has brought in a number of professionals to try to help the situation. “But I also cannot baby him and enable him.”
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She added that she enrolled him in a diversion program, which will clear the charges against him once he completes it and gets required mental health assessments. “This is his one and only get out of jail free card,” she said.
There was still concern about whether broadcasting her teen son’s life and problems to the whole internet was the appropriate way to handle things, but Amber insisted, “I don’t post these for views. I post these for people like me so that they don’t feel alone. Because this is…let’s just say I’m not doing well.”
*First Published: March 25, 2022, 7:39 am