Photo via Stanly County Animal Protective Services/Facebook
March 24, 2022, 10:12 am
The unfortunate pup named Frezco who went viral after his family dumped him at an animal shelter after they caught him humping a fellow male dog has now officially been adopted by a gay couple in North Carolina who identified with his pain. The couple, Steve Nichols and John Winn, say they have also faced discrimination in the state for being gay and after hearing about what happened to Frezco, quickly put in an application to adopt him.
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They were chosen days later and have renamed the black and brown furry friend “Oscar” after Oscar Wilde, the Irish poet and playwright who was sent to prison for being gay and died not long after his release at age 46.
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Steve and John were watching the local news reports over the weekend when they saw the story on the dog formerly known as Frezco and could hardly believe that someone would get rid of a dog for such common canine behavior.
“It was one of the stupidest things I’ve ever heard,” said Nichols. “That’s just pack behavior.”
Indeed, dogs will hump each other regardless of gender as a way of establishing dominance, or simply to relieve stress, which one might have while being forced to live with a bunch of homophobes.
However, in the end, Nichols and Witt were glad that the previous owners, who reportedly derided Oscar as a “gaynine,” gave him up because they clearly had not been taking care of him. It appeared that the dog had never been to see a vet, wasn’t neutered and was suffering from heart worms when he arrives at the animal shelter in Albemarle.
“What is almost as concerning as the idea that he’s gay, and that the person gave him up for that reason, is the fact that the owner apparently didn’t do anything to take care of this dog,” Nichols told The Charlotte Observer. “It was pretty apparent to me that he has not seen a good meal or a groomer in his life either.”
Despite this, Nichols, who drove an hour from Charlotte to meet Oscar, described him as “extremely sweet” and well-behaved, noting that he jumped right into the back of Nichols’ car when told to do so even though they had just met.
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The Greater Charlotte SPCA took over Oscar’s care from the Stanly County Animal Protective Services after they discovered the heartworm problem and will continue to care for him until he’s got a clean bill of health. After that, Oscar will move to his new home to meet his impending brother, Harry, a Chihuahua-terrier mix. Nichols is confident that the dogs will get along and that the little guy will probably be the one humping Oscar.
“My little dog used to hump an Old English sheepdog that was five times his size just to show him he was boss.”
Nichols also made sure to give full credit to the people at the Stanly County shelter, noting that they’re the “real heroes” of the story as they take in unwanted animals daily and do everything they can to get them care and into new homes.
“This was just a one time thing for us, but they do this stuff every day and deal with it all the time,” he said. “They don’t get the attention they deserve for what they’re doing.”
Thankfully, the shelter has already received donations of dog food after Oscar’s story went viral, with the staff issuing a public thanks to the donors on their Facebook page and directing others to their Amazon wishlist.
*First Published: March 24, 2022, 10:12 am