AOC Pushes Back At Trump Advisor’s Assertion That “The Economy Is Doing Fine”

November 20, 2020, 7:30 am

Although news of an effective vaccine against COVID-19 is giving people hope that there is a light at the end of this tunnel, we’re not on the other side of the pandemic yet. As it stands, infection rates are surging in the United States again, and many areas are having to consider doing another round of lockdowns, meaning shutting down or limiting even more businesses again, so that our hospitals don’t get overwhelmed with COVID patients.


Even without the surge, Americans are still struggling financially, and have been all year. A number of industries have been severely crippled by the pandemic, and it’s going to take time to get them up and running again — something we simply can’t do right now. And Congress still hasn’t passed another stimulus package to help people across the country get through this nightmare without losing everything.


But President Trump’s economic advisor, Stephen Moore, apparently doesn’t think Americans need anymore help.


“I don’t see Republicans budging on the blue state bailout, and the economy is doing fine — much better than anyone expected,” he said.


Trump’s people have often pushed this theory that it’s only people in “blue states” that need help, when in reality people across the United States are still struggling with the fall out from the pandemic. Though acting as if Americans living in states with Democratic leadership and major cities are somehow less worthy of help during a pandemic is, in and of itself, repulsive behavior.

Fortunately, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez swooped in to contradict Moore’s absurd assertion, pointing out that “30 million people in this country are at risk of eviction” and that we can’t judge our economy based on the stock market, which really only tells us how the ultra-wealthy are faring.


Other countries have made a point to give citizens financial support until the pandemic ends, allowing businesses to close when it’s unsafe to be open, and people to stay home while it’s unsafe to go out. The United States gave everyone a measly $1200 check, while throwing money at Wall Street and corporations.


“To get the virus under control, we need to pay people to stay home,” AOC said in a later tweet. “The reason [Republicans are] opposed to it now is because last time they got a Wall Street bailout and this time all that’s left is helping working people, the disabled, the poor, etc.”



Nikki Haley tried to come at the New York Congresswoman over the expense, but got shut down with even more severity than Moore did.

So far, Republicans have been able to successfully convince their constituents that it’s Nancy Pelosi who is holding up another stimulus package, when it’s actually been Mitch McConnell, but convincing their base that another stimulus package isn’t needed at all is a far reach as people throughout the country continue to struggle under the financial strain this pandemic has caused.

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*First Published: November 20, 2020, 7:30 am

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