Photo via @patriottakes/Twitter
June 29, 2021, 10:17 am
Comedian Walter Masterson is moving up in the world, going from trolling random Trump supporters and anti-vaxxers by pretending to be on their side by interviewing New York candidate for governor Andrew Giuliani, son of ex-lawyer Rudy Giuliani. In a recent video done in collaboration with PatriotTakes and MeidasTouch, Masterson managed to get Giuliani to talk about how terrible it is that Andrew Cuomo only got his name recognition from his dad and embarrassed him on the topic of indoctrinating kids in schools.
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Andrew Giuliani recently announced his candidacy for governor in a speech calling the Statue of Liberty “Miss Manhattan” and New York a “shining skate on a hill.” It isn’t going very well even among his own party, which declined to give him a single vote in favor of supporting him to take on Andrew Cuomo.
Wonder why?
In the video, Masterson is decked out in MAGA gear and pretending once again to be a pro-Trump reporter. He’s either genuinely nervous or pretending to be as he stumbles and apologizes while talking about how awful it is that Cuomo is the son of a political figure.
“So Mario Cuomo was one of the most corrupt politicians, and then we have his son,” said Masterson. “He’s part of the establishment, right?”
“I think it’s even worse than that,” Giuliani replies. “I think Andrew Cuomo has made the establishment even that much worse.”
Masterson went on to talk about Critical Race Theory, the latest GOP boogeyman, and got Giuliani to simultaneously talk about how we should not be indoctrinating kids with political ideas in schools and completely support forcing them to say the Pledge of Allegiance every day.
“We’ve got to get forced indoctrination out of schools,” says Masterson.
“One hundred percent,” agrees Giuliani. “It’s very scary.”
“We need kids saying the Pledge of Allegiance again,” Masterson continues as Giuliani affirms him. “And not kneeling. They can’t kneel. They gotta say ‘under God, indivisible.’ Like every morning.”
“Yeah,” says Giuliani. “I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America. Under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.”
No other nation that the U.S. government has not condemned as being a corrupt authoritarian state that forces its citizens to worship their leaders and the state makes its children cite a loyalty oath like this every school day. Also, nobody teaches Critical Race Theory outside of college, where they don’t make you do that.
How high can Masterson climb before Republicans get a clue, start recognizing him, and stop exposing themselves as hypocrites? Only time will tell.
*First Published: June 29, 2021, 10:17 am