Photo via FYNTV FetchYourNews/Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-SA 4.0), @mtgreenee/Twitter
July 2, 2021, 1:55 pm
Facebook recently launched a new feature that allows people to report extremist content and warns people who post such content that they may have been exposed to harmful propaganda and offers resources to help them spot extremism and manipulation tactics. While this policy has received some criticism for potentially targeting people who are critical of capitalism or police as extremist, at least some good came out of it after Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene received the warning message on her own Facebook account.
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She could have just said nothing and pretended like she’s not constantly posting extreme right-wing propaganda and QAnon conspiracy theories, but instead she took a screenshot of the warning and posted it to Twitter so everyone could see it.
“I have to say I sure am glad that Facebook cares about me like this,” she wrote. “I’m going to have to ask them to protect me bc I’ve been exposed to the radical Democrat’s bills this week which certainly is extremist content.”
The idea that anything in a Democratic bill could be considered extremist is laughable enough, especially as the recent bills being pushed by party leadership have been watered down to the point that they don’t even include action on climate change during a record-shattering heatwave in the Pacific Northwest. Even funnier is the fact that the message warns that Greene “may have been exposed to harmful extremist content recently” when everyone knows this is a nice way of saying “the things you’re posting tell us you’ve obviously been brainwashed by an extremist cult.”
She’s not the only congresswoman to get the warning and trumpet it to the world, either.
Because we never get tired of reminding people, Greene rose to fame on a wave of QAnon support and only disavowed the far-right, Trump-worshipping conspiracy group when she got elected and faced a tidal wave of backlash for it. She is still known to many on the political left as the QAnon congresswoman, and her most recent Facebook post is a four-second video of some coffee mug that says “FIRE FAUCI.”
The extremist content warning is still technically in the late testing stages, and no one outside of the company yet knows exactly how the system decides which content is extremist and who should receive warnings. Regardless, many appear to feel comfortable assuming why Greene got hit with one.
*First Published: July 2, 2021, 1:55 pm