A Texas woman decided to go on a homophobic rant as she was getting kicked off of an airplane for refusing to wear a mask.
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Kelci Dunavin Cashman, a Dallas-area real estate agent, started yelling about “f—king faggots” as she and her traveling companions were being removed from their flight. “No one wants to listen to your bigotry,” another passenger shouted. “Get off the plane!”
Cashman straggled behind, yelling at somebody that they “corrupted Disney” and are the reason her kids have to “see about sex.”
“You think I talk about my kids about same-sex marriage?” she asks. “No, we don’t talk about that.”
It’s unclear what intersection of same-sex marriage, actual sex, and Disney Cashman could have possibly been referring to, as the handful of gay (and presumed gay) characters in Disney films are blink-and-you-miss-it at best — and certainly aren’t having sex on screen.
As the Daily Dot’s Siobhan Ball points out, Cashman seems to be relying on the homophobic and wildly inaccurate idea that the mere existence of LGBTQ people is automatically sexual to form the basis of her bigoted comments.
But passengers weren’t down for it — jeering as she spoke, and cheering as she was then dragged off.
“I’m in a lesbian marriage and I fought for this country! Please get off this plane!” one passenger exclaimed as the footage came to an end.
American Airlines confirmed with Daily Dot that a group of people was removed from one of their flights after they “refused to comply with the federal mask mandate and became verbally abusive to team members and other customers.”
It’s unclear whether the refusal to mask or the outright homophobia came first, but the latter quickly became the focus of the social media backlash.
At least two young children can be seen exiting the plane shortly before Cashman, suggesting that they were all traveling together. That children have to be exposed to such crude behavior and obvious hatred for others is inevitably far more damaging than hearing that sometimes people fall in love with someone of the same gender. But being blinded by bigotry is apparently a lot easier for some people than looking inward at their own failures to be decent human beings.
*First Published: July 23, 2021, 7:52 am