Pastor Instructs Congregation On How To Hit Children To Cause Maximum Pain But Not Be ‘Inappropriate’

pastor roger jimenez spanking

Verity Baptist Church/YouTube, @hemantmehta/Twitter

October 5, 2021, 5:44 am*

A pastor who made headlines in 2016 for praising the shooter who killed 49 people at an LGBTQ nightclub is making waves again, this time for controversial comments he made in support of spanking children.

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Pastor Roger Jimenez of Verity Baptist Church in Sacramento, California, held a conversation on camera with one of his deacons regarding corporal punishment for children, insisting that it’s important to teach parents “how to properly discipline their children.”

While a rational person might think that means talking to parents about not hitting their children, Jimenez seemed instead to be referring to teaching parents to hit their kids in a way that causes maximum pain without leaving any marks.

“We teach parents that you never want to hit your children with, like, a closed fist. You never want to hit them somewhere where it would be inappropriate, like their face,” he said.


Instead, he suggested making sure parents always hit their children in the more conventional rear.

“There’s a lot of nerve endings there. And there’s a little extra cushion. And that’s a place where you can administer a spanking in a proper way and you’re not going to injure the children,” the pastor continued. “We, of course, want the spanking to hurt. If you’re spanking your children, and it doesn’t hurt, you’re not accomplishing anything.”

Watching someone — a pastor, no less — encouraging parents to hurt their children didn’t sit right with a lot of people, regardless of any claims of “discipline.”


Jimenez defended his position in the video by claiming that spanking is the method given to humans by God himself to discipline children, while the deacon chastised “the world,” which he says will “demonize spanking.”

They both also insisted that spanking will create respectful, obedient children — although “fearful” might be a much more appropriate term to use if we’re breaking it down.

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*First Published: October 5, 2021, 5:43 am

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