TikTok Activist Takes On Anti-Vaxx Medical Recruiter Soliciting Unvaccinated Workers

Shayna Hall and Danesh on TikTok videos

Photo via @thatdaneshguy/Twitter

August 17, 2021, 12:57 pm

A viral TikTok video by an anti-vaccine recruiter for a company that runs senior care facilities in three states came across the feed of one user by the name of Danesh who has dedicated his social media presence to fighting anti-vaxxer and COVID-denier misinformation. When he saw that a woman was actively soliciting job applications from unvaccinated people looking to work in senior care who had been fired for refusing the vaccine, he pretty much lost it. In a good way.

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With the help of a friend who was able to identify the woman in the original video, Shayna Hall of Bonaventure Senior Living, Danesh made his own video showing how he contacted her employers, three state health departments, and uncovered a past felony conviction for credit card fraud. The result is fantastic.


In the clip from Hall’s video, she expresses that she thinks it’s really tragic that healthcare workers are losing their jobs for refusing to get the “brand new” vaccine for the extremely contagious pandemic virus, then offers to hire them all.

“If you’re a nurse, a caregiver, a med tech and you now need a new job because of this, hit me up. I’ll hire you. I need nurses, caregivers, med techs in Washington, Colorado and Oregon,” she says.

“Oh, no, that’s not gonna be happening,” says Danesh. “All the people that I’ve seen reposting that video that are all excited, now it’s over. I’m cutting that off.”

He then laments that he can’t find any identifying information on Hall, and in comes Savannah to save the day. Danesh is horrified to learn that Hall works for a senior care company, accurately pointing out that in the U.S., the initial big outbreaks were largely at senior living facilities, and the results were massively deadly. Following a couple isolated cases, the first outbreak of COVID-19 in the country was at just such a facility in Kirkland, Washington, leading to at least 40 deaths and large fines for the company that failed to protect its residents from the virus.

They also found that Hall works in Salem, Oregon, where local media has reported that the beds are filling up and hospital workers are exhausted as the pandemic surges once again, largely among the unvaccinated.


Unfortunately, Bonaventure Senior Living appears to be backing Hall on her decision, according to the Salem Reporter, which did a story on all this after Danesh contacted them.

“It is sad to see people losing their jobs as state law is being completely ignored by many health care companies to benefit their own public image,” said Jeremiah Gray, divisional director of operations. “This is not only an ethical issue but also an issue with significant legal ramifications.”

Hall and Gray have claimed that Oregon law prohibits the state government from requiring healthcare workers to be vaccinated, but haven’t sung the same tune about Washington or Colorado. In fact, the company did ask Hall to take her video down, which she did, after Washington state Governor Jay Inslee issued a mandate requiring all healthcare workers to get vaccinated.

Either way, Danesh has now sworn to go after the whole company for backing Hall in her offer to hire unvaccinated senior care staff.

Back in Oregon, in spite of certain opinions about state law, Governor Kate Brown has ordered all state healthcare employees to either get the COVID vaccine by September 30 or submit to weekly testing. Not only are the majority of these workers on board, 4,700 of them working in Oregon signed a statement urging Brown to move that date up to today rather than waiting.

“Delaying action until the end of September puts front-line health care workers at risk and jeopardizes the ability of our health care infrastructure to meet the demands of caring for Oregon’s rising tide of COVID-19 patients,” the statement reads.


Bonaventure Senior Living remains in business for now, but with this kind of press, they may have more trouble retaining customers than staff as even many anti-vaxxers agree that COVID-19 is particularly dangerous for the elderly. Meanwhile, we eagerly await a response from the state health departments.

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*First Published: August 17, 2021, 12:57 pm

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